Business Credit Workshop started as a local workshop years ago where we connected local community banks and credit unions to small business owners. Often, entrepreneurs would walk away with pre-approvals, including business credit cards, term loans and lines of credit! As we’ve grown, we’ve expanded our audience online. And that’s where we are today. We still work with local community banks and credit unions but now we are able to help thousands of entrepreneurs all across the Nation thanks to this site. Obtaining business credit really comes down to two basic steps:
- Build your company in such a way that banks are willing to lend to you
- Find banks and lenders that meet your needs and offer competitive terms
You’re in the right place, as we will help you get both steps achieved! Welcome to our blog, welcome to the “Business Credit Workshop”!!
Looking to Obtain Business Credit? Want to know where to Begin?
There is a lot of information on our blog here and so much to cover with you. Perhaps you want to start by viewing our in-depth post on getting business credit, or maybe you’d like to see a recent testimonial. You can learn everything you need to know about Dun and Bradstreet’s DUNS Number and even see our top list of business credit cards or alternate lenders. Either way, welcome to the site, take a look around and be sure to check your emails for future content from us!
FREE Training!!
If you haven’t already, please get our up to date training and learn how to get six figures of business credit from local community banks and credit unions, just let us know where to email it by clicking here.
Thank you to everyone that has joined our Business Credit Site! I look forward to helping you hit your goals!
Hello Joe what would you suggest for someone who has been denied vendor credit due to poor personal credit