How to use Net 30 Vendors
One of the techniques I teach in the “7 Secrets of Obtaining Business Credit” is Establishing your first reporting trade lines using 30 day net vendor accounts.
In the beginning of your journey it’s hard to get trade lines to report to the business credit bureaus because you don’t have business credit established and no lender wants to lend to your company. The solution is to establish “small vendor lines of credit” (after your get your DUNS Number) with companies that report to the business credit bureaus. “Small vendor lines of credit” meaning 30 day (or 15 day) net accounts. 30 day net simply means the amount owed (for your purchase) is due in full in 30 days. Sometimes, these are also referred to as tier 1 business credit vendors.
Here’s how it works. Similar to many companies, Quill, offers paper supply products and 30 day net payment terms. Quill offers two forms to pay for their products 1.) Pay By Credit Card (Traditional Payment Method) 2.) Invoice My Account (30 Day Net Terms). You’ll choose option 2 – invoice my account.
You will receive the product in the mail and you did not pay for it yet! Essentially a small line of credit (trade line) was extended to your company. Now, you need to pay the bill in the mail when it arrives. Upon payment, Quill will report to the business credit bureaus and ‘voila!’ you are on your way to building your business credit score. The more trade lines you build, the stronger your business credit score will grow. Here are some additional vendors below.
BP Gas / BP Business Solutions Fuel Card Plus (See article on Gas Cards) (630) 836-5000 14 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Randomly
Valero Gas (See article on Gas Cards) (800) 324-8464 25 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? At the end of each month
Advance Auto Parts Apply for Business Account in person, at your nearest store
Gemplers (800) 241-6401 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Unknown May Require your first order to be pre-paid before you can order on 30 Day Net Terms
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[hidepost=1] Uline 800-958-5463 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Every first of the monthQuill 800-789-1331 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Unknown
National Business Furniture / NBF (404)351-1948 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Unknown
Grainger 888-361-
TechDepot 800-625-9866 (Tech depot requires a business address (non-residential), business email account (not free email), DUNS # and Federal EIN #)
DelCity 800-654-4757
Seton NET10 (Not NET30) 1-800-571-2596
UpBeat 800-325-3047 10 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Unknown
Conoco Phillips 281-293-1000 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Random
The Supply Room 800-849-7239 30 Day Net Terms Reports to Dun and Bradstreet? Yes When do they Report? Unknown [/hidepost]